July Update!
Summer's truly upon us and that means we WANT. And that want is Goldream, Exposed and all the rest! As always, I'm still hard at work delivering you the best content I can produce! Last month saw the release of Exposed 4.0 - Good End. Naturally this means there is also a bad end.
The bad end for Exposed is in the draft phase at the moment as I'm focuising on TWOS, Goldream and a commission. But it will be slightly darker and more tense than the good end, requiring our MC to pull out all his tricks to win back Brenda's heart. But will he succeed? You'll need to wait for that answer.
TWOS will have an update coming out very soon, focusing on Triss and remaking older Brenda content. I've also redone some scenes for my other projects to make development easier. After this update I'm going to need to push the main story forward. Meaning an end to chapter 2 and the start of a chapter filled with consequences and further mystery. All the relationships you've developed in the game thus far can't coexist, you're going to have to pick a single person soon enough. Or else there's gonna be conflict!
I'm also looking into other projects outside of TWOS and Exposed, as you all know. Something to do with either the Maddie Fenton concept I had or delving into fantasy, expanding from my commission. Really want to use other models I've got lying around.
Another small thing, included in my discord are edits I make to existing creations from other artists, I take no credit for their work but just edited them. You can find that stuff in the degen-edits channel on my discord.
Please keep supporting me! I really do want to grow and the only way I can do that is through you! Send me suggestions or criticism if you've unsubscribed.
Thanks for all the help!