Hey again everyone! Keeping you up to date every month as usual! Been a lot of work recently on the latest Exposed episode, I really did go big with this one.
I initially intended for this to be a much smaller update but my ideas kept on piling on until I got an entire story in itself. It obviously follows from the bad end of episode 3 but wanted a sort of redemption / acceptance conclusion to emerge from it. The MC acknowledging that he's flawed along with Brenda, and them both embracing it.
But it's not just Brenda in the next episode, a whole host of characters are getting involved, really expanding the Exposed cinematic universe (lol). So if I ever want to return to this series then I have a lot of material to work with.
TWOS is also getting a lot of love, with 2 big events underway, first with Liz and the MC's misadventures at uni, and second with Kate hosting a house party where everyone shows up, even your own friends. So it'll be a chance to choose who to interact with, much like the Xmas event. I'm laying the foundation for a lot of events now so that I can complete this chapter and move on to the ending act of TWOS.
I'm still wary about getting back into commissions any time soon as it seriously disrupts my ability to work on my main projects, but they will return in the future. Unless I start learning Blender seriously for upcoming projects. If I am to survive in this scene then I definitely need to make the transition to a better engine.
Then again I still have some movies to make involving characters from TWOS, maybe Exposed too?
Anyway, thanks again everyone for your support! I can't do this without you so please continue helping me! Exposed will be updated VERY soon, and so will TWOS, so make sure to stick around.